Teaching/Ako & Learning


(Year 11-13)

All ākonga are placed into a Puna Ako group at the beginning of the year. The purpose of this time is to make connections with peers, work on SEL, learn Haeata tikanga, track and monitor NCEA progress and attendance. Puna Ako will be at the start of each day from 8.50am – 9.10am. On Wednesday Puna Ako groups will attend the Y9-13 assembly.

2021 NCEA Results

Level 1: Pass rate increased by 25.8%

Level 2: Pass rate increased by 10.2%

Level 3: Pass rate increased by 20.5%

78% of ākonga achieved Level 2 or above

UE: pass rate increased by 100%

2 Ākonga gained a Takere Scholarship to UC

Poho kererū ana! We are so proud!