Teaching/Ako & Learning
Our Curriculum
Empowerment of the school values of success, manaakitanga, alofa, service and hanga whare are really important in the Haeata Community Campus curriculum and these values will become obvious in all learning and actions of ākonga and kaimahi. All the learning we design will come from these values.
Ākonga are at the centre of everything. All learning programmes will aim to empower and improve the wellbeing and achievement of each ākonga. Learning programmes are made up of a combination of core skills and inquiry. Learning is centred around ākonga interests and passions, as well as through carefully designed experiences planned by kaiako to broaden ākonga interests and passions.
The cultural narrative written by Ngai Tahu for the East of Christchurch is a central feature in the development of both the physical environment and ongoing learning programmes. Te Reo Māori and Tikanga Māori is valued and emphasised throughout the campus.
Haeata Community Campus pushes boundaries of traditional thinking about schooling and is open to all possibilities for ākonga to engage in and be empowered to take control of their futures.
Collaborative teaching using flexible learning spaces is a feature of programme delivery at Haeata Community Campus. This means that each ākonga will work with many different adults over the course of each day and week.
At Haeata ākonga and kaimahi will be allocated into hapori which will be the base for their learning. There are four hapori across the school. These buildings were named in line with the cultural narrative.