Haeata Community Campus Positive Behaviour Management System
He Korowai Manaaki
He Korowai Manaaki is the Haeata positive behaviour management system underpinned by our school values, dispositions and adheres to kaupapa Māori principles, concepts and values from a te ao Māori perspective.
The Ministry’s Learning Support Delivery Model aims to strengthen how learning support is provided so that ALL mokopuna get the right support, in the right place, at the right time. We can identify a number of things we do at Haeata at each tier of support to positively support ākonga to understand what being part of the Haeata whānau means and how we all need to behave.
Ākonga need to know what the expectations are, be supported to learn what these mean and look like so that they can be safe and successful members of our Haeata whānau. The tīkanga brings to life the school values and dispositions within an authentic context.
We use certificates in weekly assembly to give ākonga positive feedback and to acknowledge when ākonga display a particular disposition and the multiple ways of using that to celebrate learning and positive personal growth.
He Ara Hauora
He Ara Hauora
All ākonga and staff at Haeata Community Campus come home to school every day. They will be safe, valued, respected and empowered to be who they are.
He Awa Whiria
He Awa Whiria
a metaphor we have used describing a framework for drawing upon both western science and Mātauranga Māori with the main river being the kauapa of positive behaviour management.