Haeata Learning from Home Years 9 – 13 & All Kōmanawa
Friday 25 November, 1st and 2nd December 2022
Kia ora whānau
Due to significant illness and lack of relievers this week and into next week many of our kaimahi/staff have had to undertake internal relief in addition to their own scheduled classes.
To reduce the negative impact this situation is having on kaimahi/staff and to meet the Board’s obligations as a good employer under the Employment Relations Act 2020, we have made the decision to move to our online learning platforms.
On Friday 25th November All Year 9-13 ākonga and Kōmanawa Yr 1 – 11 will be learning from home.
On Thursday 1st December All Year 10 ākonga will be learning from home.
On Friday 2nd December All Year 9 ākonga will be learning from home.
On these days all ākonga/students will be ‘learning from home’ and will be marked as present on their attendance record. Kaiako/teachers will ensure that hard copy or online learning is available.
Please contact your ākonga/student’s kaiako/teacher if you need anything as you prepare for these days.
If it is impossible for your ākonga/student to remain at home on Friday 25th November 2022, or the 1st and 2nd of December please contact Adam Hird hda@haeata.school.nz or Natalie Malan mnn@haeata.school.nz or Raewyn Himona har@haeata.school.nz or 03 930 0110 office@haeata.school.nz.
I wish to apologise in advance for any inconvenience this may cause and to assure whānau that we are working hard to resolve the staffing issues we are currently experiencing.
Ngā Mihi
Whaea Peggy